Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hackers break into Sarah Palin's E-mail account

"It wasn't immediately clear how hackers broke into Palin's Yahoo! account, but it would have been possible to trick the service into revealing her password knowing personal details about Palin that include her birthdate and ZIP code. A hacker also might have sent a forged e-mail to her account tricking her into revealing her own password." This quote perfectly describes how foggy the idea of "privacy" really is in this country. No matter what precautions or safeguards are taken, there always seems to be ways around these very safeguards. This idea becomes that much more important when it involves a candidate in the Presidential race. What if these emails contained information that could potentially damage Mccain and Palin's campaign? And in the same sense, what if these emails were hacked out of Obama's account? Obviously the race would be tainted and in a sense history would be tainted as well as this invasion could of changed the outcome for both sides.

Another quote in this article perfectly sums up this idea of invasion of privacy within this country: "Todd Palin was the winner of the grueling Iron Dog snowmobile race, and "fek9wnr" also is Todd Palin's vehicle license tag in Alaska."

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